Solid polished brass that captures the flow of a timeless heritage

Perfect for those looking to bring in timeless beauty and elegance to their living spaces – Ornamental railings with various traditional end designs and a polished brass finish. Our cap rail extrusions can be installed with minimal welding by a range of trades. Extruded rails exhibit highly aesthetic smooth flowing lines and round edges while functioning as standard handrails, while the beautifully crafted ends add classic architectural distinction.


  • Architectural beauty & functionality – Solid Brass Handrail Cap Extrusion with flowing contour.
  • Ornate and exotic ends to pick from – graceful scrolls to the exquisite looking lamb-tongue.
  • Welded rail is a solid installation with no need for maintenance that bolted systems require.
  • The luster of the polished surface lasts a lifetime and can be easily revived from time to time using our super strong anti-tarnish corrosion inhibiting metal polish that preserves the shine.